News Levine Keszler5 February 2021Levine Keszler advises Banque des Territoires de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in its equity investment in Hoche Maisons de Santé Read more
Banking and finance, news keszler, News Levine Keszler, Private Equity (EN), Technology and Telecommunications25 August 2020Levine Keszler advises Andera Partners on its mezzanine financing of the sponsorless OBO of Groupe SfeirAprès une [...]Read more
Banking and finance, news keszler, News Levine Keszler, Private Equity (EN), Retail and services25 June 2020Levine Keszler advises Patrim One Assurances on its sponsorless MBO financed by Indigo CapitalAprès une [...]Read more
Advising management teams, Banking and finance, news keszler, News Levine Keszler, Private Equity (EN), Technology and Telecommunications9 December 2019Levine Keszler advises Arturia and its founder on the OBO sponsorless financed by EMZ PartnersLe groupe [...]Read more
Banking and finance, news keszler, News Levine Keszler, Private Equity (EN)16 May 2019Levine Keszler advises Omnes Capital on its mezzanine financing of the secondary LBO transaction on Nord CoffrageNord Coffrage, [...]Read more
news keszler, News Levine Keszler, Private Equity (EN), Technology and Telecommunications17 July 2018Levine Keszler advises Omnes Capital on its mezzanine financing of the OBO transaction on Marquetis & CoRead more