—– Advising Management Teams

Levine Keszler advises management teams of companies in which managers are expected to invest in the context of mid-cap LBO transactions (transactions with a deal value usually ranging from 100M to 500M). Our attorneys advise the management team in connection with the structuring and negotiation of their management package.

Drawing on a broad experience of these types of transactions, both on the equity and on the debt financing sides, our Private Equity team customizes the management package to the specifics of the transaction and, in close cooperation with the tax team working on the transaction, negotiates the terms of the package with the sponsor fund.

Our team advises the managers on all aspects of their package:

    • structuring of the buy out transaction and drafting of a detailed management term sheet;
    • selection of the instruments to be subscribed by the managers;
    • review of the valuation of these instruments made by the financial expert appointed to provide a valuation;
    • review of the tax aspects of the package in cooperation with the tax team;
    • corporate governance of the holding company;
    • exit clauses;
    • setting up of management companies for the roll-over investors;
    • contribution of management securities to the holding company;
    • review and negotiation of the legal documentation to which the managers are a party: shareholders agreement, leavers put and call options, corporate legal documentation.
—– Deals

Advising the founders of MenaLabs, a network of medical analysis laboratories in the Middle East in connection with its financing and with an equity investment of Cerba Healthcare, a leading European provider of medical diagnostics (2016).

Advising the founders and the managers in connection with the sale of Adista, a telecom company, to Equistone Private Equity in an LBO transaction (2016).

Advising the founders of RAD-x, a pan-European buy and build platform specialized in medical imaging, for its creation and equity financing by Gilde Healthcare and advising its founders in connection with their management package (2016).

Advising the managers of a software company in the medical sector in connection with the setting up of their management package (2015).

—– Partners in charge
Serge Levine
Nicolas de Courtivron

75009 PARIS
+33 1 83 62 08 56


75009 PARIS
+33 1 83 62 08 56