—– Retail and Services
Our team frequently advises clients specializing in the retail and services sectors in the context of Private Equity and M&A transactions. Thanks to the experience we earned working on these transactions, we have developed a specific expertise in sectors such as travel retail, construction-related products and services and outdoor camping areas.
—– Deals
Advising a private equity fund in connection with a proposed LBO transaction on a group specializing on insulation services for the building industry (2018).
Advising MegaSecurEurope, a anti flood solutions provider for the reorganisation of its share capital (2017).
Advising a private equity fund on a proposed LBO transaction on a group of companies providing closure appliances to the building industry (2017).
Advising Socotec, a leading provider of technical expertise for buildings for its acquisition of CIS (2017).
Advising an private equity fund on a proposed minority equity investment in an airport travel retail specialist (2017).
Advising a travel retail specialist in relation with the setting up of joint-ventures with local operators in Lebanon and Morocco (2017).
Advising Saint Gobain on its acquisition of France Pare Brise (2016).
Advising Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners – Acto Mezzanine on the mezzanine financing of the purchase by the founders of the shareholding of Arkéa in MS Vacances, a leading outdoor hospitality group (2016).